Solo Travel: 5 reasons why can change your life

Solo Travel

Solo Travel
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5 Reasons why Solo Travel can change your life

I have heard many people say ” I would love to go in a trip but no-one want to come with me”. This is a problem only if you make it a problem. Solo travel is the best gift you can give to yourself especially if you are going through a bad period: it’s a powerfull antidepressant. If you think this is the right thing to do but you are afraid to do it, think at least to one person who did it before you. Talk to this person and you will hear only postive things from this experience. Everyone, even deeply, has been thinking to travel alone at least once.

When I was studying in Philosophy in Ferrara I didn’t have much time to go travelling. Therefore, every time I had the chance I was buying a ticket to go somewhere at least for one day. My first Solo Travel was a weekend in Rome. I was afraid for something to happen but everything was great and once back home, I couldn’t wait to leave again!

When you think you can’t do it, think to other milions people who did it.



Many people doubts are “how can I make friends” or “where am I gonna sleep?”. In my opinion, Hostels are cheap and the best way to make friends. Sleeping with other people for a couple of nights is not such a drama. You can find someone coming from the other part of the world who can give you some advice about your future projects. Almost every hostel has locks to put your items inside so you do not need to worry about it. In my solo trip to Amsterdam, I spent two nights in this amazing hostel booked with booking with other 5 people from South America. They were doing a Europe Trip and they visited places I have never think about.


At the beginning, my biggest problem was to find a place to eat alone. I don’t like fell uncomfortable when the waitress is looking at me. So far I learned that eating in a restaurant is not my thing and I rather go to local markets. This choice leads me to meet locals, eat local food and discover more and more. Local people give the best advice if you have issues. Not be afraid to make friends or to talk with people. When you are travelling on your own you need to remember that there are many people like you around and talking with locals can give you some good stories about their way to live and their culture.


It can be awkward but travelling alone can save you so much money than travelling with others. First of all, you do wherever you want with your time and you are going to do only the things worth for you and not for someone else. Consequently, you are going to value your time doing only things important for you.  When you travel alone you have plenty of time to think about your life, your choices and how to solve your problems.


Many people travel with a lot of bags but if you travel on your own you are going to find out that you do not need all of the things you need at home. You will be consciouness that things are material and you don’t need it. You need people, love and life. I like travelling soft so I have bought a huge and comfortable backpack to put inside only the necessary. I always travel with my kindle, a fiber towel, my lovely lonely planet guide, headphones, some clothes and so on.


Solo travel is the best gift you can give to yourself. First of all, you will meet people and discover things you couldn’t do it from your home. Therefore you get back home with the consciousness that you did it, you are a new person who did something great alone. Travelling has this powerful gift to make you feel so strong and proud. Once you get back home, everything is gonna be the same but you have changed. It’s a vicious circle, once you get inside, it’s hard to get out.


In the end, I just want to say you need to follow your dreams. No matter how far you need to go. Solo Travel changed my life and I know it can be scary at the beginning but if you don’t leave, you are going to regret forever.

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Sono Roberta, travel blogger & content creator di a mind full of travels. Sono anche una sognatrice e viaggiatrice a 360 gradi. Mi piace viaggiare da sola in maniera low cost e minimalista. Scopri i miei valori e le mie passioni. 

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