Visit Ferrara and its surroundings: What to see in one day or the weekend

Ferrara City: the ultimate guide to visit the city of bikes in Italy

Ferrara is declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. You can reach it easily by train from any northern or central city in Italy. This city is the perfect destination for whoever wants to travel alone and it can be visited entirely in one or two days.

In this article, you will discover some aspects of Ferrara City: what to visit, a one-day itinerary, how to get to the city, the weather and typical dishes of Ferrara’s cuisine. Finally, for whoever wants to visit the city on a weekend, one of the most suggestive destinations of Ferrara’s surroundings is the city of Comacchio and its famous valleys

Castello Estense

The Este Castle, which was built in 1385, was the home of Estensi’s family. While it became a symbol of their power, it was also regarded as the most efficient defence against enemies.

The castle, which goes under the name of ‘Castello di san Michele’ as well, remains the main symbol of the city of bikes on our days. Once inside, you can visit the dungeons, beautiful rooms with frescoes, the moat surrounded by the four towers and finally, the small square within the castle.

For any further information on time schedules, ticket prices and guided tours have a look at the official website. 

The Este Castle

Palazzo dei Diamanti

10 minutes away from the castle by walking, you will find ‘Palazzo Diamanti’ which is a symbol of the Italian Renaissance and where today several exhibitions take place throughout the year.

On the first floor, you will be welcome by the ‘Pinacoteca Nazionale di Ferrara’, while for temporary exhibitions I suggest you visit their official website. From this corner of Ferrara, following down Corso Ercole I d’Este, you will encounter the famous city walls.

Palazzo Schifanoia

The palace was built in 1385 with the only purpose to offer amusement and relaxation for the Estense family.

Inside, you can find frescoes on the walls and a display of medals, bronze objects, ancient coins and more. At the end of the museum, there will be an open area with a bar and a bucolic garden. Here, you can relax by reading a book while drinking a coffee. Even though prices are a bit higher than other places in the city, the magical atmosphere will be worth it.

Cattedrale di San Giorgio Martire

The cathedral is situated in the centre of the city and it is the most important religious site in Ferrara, just a few minutes away from ‘Castello Estense’.

Unfortunately, now the whole facade is in reconstruction. Just on the other side of the street, you will find ‘Piazza del Municipio’ where Garibaldi street starts its way, full of shops and local bars. The municipal palace, called ‘Palazzo Ducale’ as well, was the home of the Estensi family before moving to the main castle.

Piazza del Municipio of Ferrara

Are you in the historic centre of the city and have you already visited ‘Castello Estense’ and the Cathedral?  Now you don’t know where to go from here?
I suggest you visit the ‘Piazza Municipale’ where you will find the old theatre and several stands of food and second-hand books. From there, you might want to walk down Garibaldi street, which is a historic and suggestive street of Ferrara.

Most historic and suggestive streets of Ferrara

There are many suggestive passages in Ferrara, but the best are: ‘via delle Volte’, ‘via Saraceno’, ‘via Ragno’, ‘via San Romano’ and ‘via Mazzini’.

In these medieval streets, you can find many local shops, bars and restaurants. A small suggestion for you. If you want to do some shopping or eat in a restaurant, be aware that almost all the businesses will close down in the late afternoon. Instead, big brands and bars will remain open for business.

How to get to Ferrara from abroad and from Italy

The airport of Bologna is the nearest one to Ferrara. From here, you have two options to get to the city:

  • You can get the bus Bus & Fly, which will get you to ‘Castello Estense’ in the centre of the city, or at main train station or at the shopping mall ‘Il Castello’. The ticket costs 20 euros, but kids not taller than one meter can travel for free. If you get the ticket online it will cost 17 euros.
  •  You can get a shuttle to the central station in Bologna (6 euros). From here, you can take the train that goes to Ferrara. There are usually 2 trains every hour and the ticket costs 4,50 euros one way. Once in Ferrara’s train station, you can choose one of the buses that go to the centre of the city. The best lines are numbers 1,6,9.
  • From 2021, you will be able to get the Marconi Express which will get you, in less than 10 minutes, to Bologna train station. The ticket will cost 8,70 euros and you can pay directly with card just before getting on the train.

How to get to Ferrara by train or car

Differently, if you want to get to Ferrara by car or by train, I suggest you: 

  • Italo train and the high-speed trains from other parts of Italy converge in Ferrara several times a day. Prices can be high, depending on when you get the tickets: they might be cheaper if you get them in good advance. On the Trenitalia website, you can find all the information needed. I often use it, as high-speed trains arrange discounts based on your age and on the day you choose. 
  • If you arrive in Ferrara by car, be aware of the limited traffic areas, which are constantly present in the centre of the city. The parking lots closer to that are the Kennedy parking and the one in ‘Piazza Travaglio’. Besides that, 15 minutes away by walking, there is ‘Diamanti’ parking. All of these are pay and display parking. There is a free parking option, called Ex-Mof, but it is 15 minutes away from the centre of Ferrara.

Interesting fact on Ferrara, the city of bikes

The legend of the small columns built on one side of the Cathedral

This story tells that the sculptors sculpted the columns perfectly straight while the devil tried to sabotage their work on the inauguration day. The artists thought that he transformed them into imperfectly shaped columns just to ruin the art. To the contrary, the public remained enthusiastic and the devil’s plan failed. 

The legend of the ‘Diamanti’ palace

The story tells that there is a real diamond set in one of its bricks, which was taken from the crown ‘Ercole I d’Este’.

‘Al Brindisi’ tavern

It is the oldest tavern in the world and it was built in 1435. You can find it in ‘Guglielmo degli Adelardi’ street.

The academic Ferrara

Many students decide to start studying in one of the oldest academic cities in the world, which was born in 1391. In the months while lessons are active, the suggestive atmosphere fills with young and dreamy people.  

A bike-friendly city

In 2019, Ferrara jumped in first place for the Italian city with more bicycles. There are many cycle lanes throughout Ferrara, which connect the centre to the outskirts.

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