London Itinerary – 4 Perfect Days

A Mind Full of Travels

London Itinerary
London Eye

london itinerary – 4 perfect days

The perfect itinerary to enjoy London if you have only 4 days. London is a big capital which takes at least one week to visit. This city should be in your bucket list for three reasons. First of all, London is a multicultural city where you find people and food from every part of the world. Secondly, London is a city suitable for all ages. It’s a perfect for those who rather travel with family or for those who want to do a Solo Travel. Above all, London makes you feel at the center of the world. It leads you to doubt yourself and think beyond your comfort zone.


Day 1

The first step is The House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Even if Big Ben is still under reconstruction, this area is the most touristic one. Then, walkthrough Westminster Bridge until the London Eye. Next to it, you can find many other fun attractions, especially if you are travelling with children. For example, you can spend a couple of hours in the London Sea Life aquarium or Shrek’s Adventure London. After that, walkthrough Hungerford Bridge heading over Trafalgar Square. Admire Trafalgar square and go inside The National Gallery to stand in front of Vang Gogh Sunflowers and more.

After a quick lunch in the area, take a walk within St James Park until Queen Victoria Memorial and Buckingham Palace. After taking some pictures, head over Piccadilly Circus and its maxi screen. Take a walk through Regent’s street, Oxford street and Carnaby Street where you can do shopping as much as you want. You can find everything in the area, however, do not make the mistake to buy souvenirs in the center. The best place to buy them is Camden Town.

Spend the rest of the day around Soho, the center of the nightlife and LGBTQ+ community. Soho is perfect if you want to listen to live music, go clubbing or just drink a couple of beers or cocktails. In the end, take a walk through Chinatown until M&Ms Store and admire street artists in Leicester Square.

Day 2

On the second day of our itinerary, we are going to discover the city and east London. First of all, start your day with the Tower bridge and Tower of London. Walkthrough Tower Bridge and on the other side admire the contrast with the Tower of London and the modern buildings. This spot is stunning and it’s one of my favorite in London.

A Mind Full Of Travels
Sky Garden, The Gherkin and The Tower of London.

Keep walking through The shakespeare’s Globe and spend couple of hours inside of The Tate Modern. This gallery of modern and contemporary art was a power plant before and deserves some of your time. Likewise all the museums in London, Tate modern is completely free of charge. Walkthrough Millenium Bridge until St. Pauls and stay in the area for a quick lunch.

After that take the bus to Covent Garden. You can always check the timing of the transport in Google Maps but I recommend you to download Citymapper. This app is primary to travel around London and it does work with other world cities. When you take a bus in London, you have to top up your Oyster or personal Card as soon as you are on the bus.

Spend couple of hours in the elegant Covent Garden and take a break eating inside the market. Buy your favourite tea in The Tea House or Whittard of Chelsea and walkthrough the theatres area.

Spend the evening around Shoreditch or Camden Town with a couple of drinks listening to live music at The Blues Kitchen.

Day 3

Your third day Itinerary in London should start with a typical english brunch in a place nearby your accomodation. After that, head over Kensington and get inside The Natural History Museum. This museum is loved by everyone, children and adults and it’s definitly recommend it. Victoria & Albert Museum is another amazing museum that I reccomend to you and it’s just next to The Natural History Museum. After that, you can’t leave without go inside Harrods. This huge building contains the biggest brand in the world from accessories to clothes but also a very quality of food. The Souvenir shop is a must, and even if the price are not on budget, you can find nice souvenirs.

You can have a pic-nic in Hyde Park if the day is sunny and enjoy the tranquility of the place. Hyde Park is huge and full of animals, you can spend hours walkthrough this park. If you get inside the park from Kensigton High Street, you find Kensigton gardens and Kensigton Palace. In winter time, hyde park is the house of Winter Wonderland, a huge Christmas events where you find street food, rollecosters, an ice rink and people singing.

London Itinerary
Hyde Park. Ph. Carlotta Farinella

Finish your afternoon in the Notthing Hill area, admire the different colours of houses and take a picture in the famous Abbey road. Many people prefer this West London rather than the East part: victorian houses, fewer tourists, less dirty and clean street.

Spend the dinner eating Fish and Chips at Poppie’s in Old Spitafield and go up on the top of Sky Garden to admire the city from the top in the night. The view is stunning and it’s free of charge. You need to pre-book the visit on the website in advance.

Day 4

Start your last day in London heading towards Camden Town. This part of London is crowdy and I don’t recommend the visit during weekends. The only way to arrive with the tube is the Northen Line but from the center of London you can take buses as well. Walkingthrough Camden it’s gonna lead you in another city, another part of the world. It’s magic and deserves at least half day to enjoy it. Souvenirs shops are everywhere and you don’t find any cheaper in London. Camden Locks is the center of the life in camden. Here, you find street food from any part of the world, vintage shops, beautiful boats and the famous Cyberdog brand.

A Mind Full Of Travels
Camden Town station

Spend the last afternoon going to Greenwich park in south London. At the top of the park there is The Royal Observatory, where stars and sea meet and where you can discouver why astronomers chose Greenwich as fundamental meridian. The park is beautiful and the view from the top gives you a panoramic of Canary Wharf. Close to Greenwich is the Emirates AirLine. A cableway open until late where you can have a beautuful panoramic view of 02 Arena, Greenwich, Canary wharf and Tamigi river. In your last night you can take a walk around Westmister. The London Eye is beautiful during the night.


I hope this itinerary in London will be helpful for you. London is a very beautiful city and 4 days are not enough to see all of its beautiful monuments, gardens and so on. If you are planning a trip in wintertime, I reccomend you to see a lot of museums because it’s really cold outside and every museum deserves some of your time. If your trip is gonna be in summertime, my suggestion is to spend a lot of time in the parks. Kew Garden is also a good match for your London Itinerary and the money you spend to get inside it’s definitly worth it.

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