Day Trips from Bologna by Train

bologna, roofs, overview

Bologna is a beautiful city in the north-center of Italy. Many people visit this city for art shows, typical food, and amazing wine. From the airport, the center of Bologna is reachable by bus in half an hour. Bologna’s station is one of the biggest in Italy and many trains pass through this point every day. If you are traveling in Bologna and you think to plan a day trip nearby, below my favorite day trips from Bologna by train

  • Venice
  • Ferrara
  • Modena
  • Florence


Venice is one of the favorite day trips from Bologna. In only two hours you will be in Venice central station: Santa Lucia. Trains run hourly at a fixed price. You can visit Venice every period in the year, however, you can find high humidity and foggy possibility in the wintertime. Venice is famous for its carnival which lasts all February every year. Venice can be an expensive city, especially if you decide to eat or drink in San Marco square.

One day in Venice: San Marco square, Basilica di San Marco, Doge’s Palace, a tour via gondola, Bridge of sighs, central market full of souvenirs and seafood.


Ferrara Castle

Ferrara is a perfect day trip city. Bologna to Ferrara journey last half an hour or fifty minutes via train, depending on the train. Trains run hourly at a fixed price. From the station, you reach the center in half an hour walking or faster by bus. The best period to visit Ferrara is during Christmas time, spring and autumn. The city is one of the hottest Italian cities in the summer.

One day in Ferrara: Este Castle, City hall, Ferrara Duomo, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Walk through the wall all around the city, Eat the typical pumpkin Cappellaccio or Tortellini.



The train from Bologna to Modena takes half an hour. Trains run hourly at a fixed price. Modena has a typical medieval center and is known above all as the largest city closest to the houses of Maserati, Bugatti, Lamborghini and so on. Modena can be very hot in summer.

One day in Modena: Torre Ghirlandina, Modena Cathedral, Albinelli Market, Piazza Grande, share a salami and cheese plate with a tigella bread (typical of Modena) on the side.


Day trips from Bologna

The train from Bologna to Florence lasts forty minutes but the price of the train is expensive if you do not book in advance. However, you can decide to use the regional option spending only 10 euros. The journey with the regional train lasts almost two hours with one change. Florence can be very hot in summer time. So, the best period to visit this city is autmn and spring. Florence is perfect if you love art and culture. Above all, food and wine are superb.

One day in Florence: Ponte Vecchio, Florence Duomo, Palazzo Pitti, Accademia Museum.


Above my favorite cities to visit from Bologna. However, there is plenty of possibilities to visit, you need just to check Trenitalia. This official website gives you all of your options: the cheapest, the fastest and so on. You can buy tickets on this app and show the code on board, an action I suggest you if you are traveling by the fastest trains like “Frecciarossa” and “Frecciaargento”. If you are traveling by regionals, you can purchase tickets inside the station, paying either by card or notes.

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