Where to eat in Ferrara

ferrara, city, history

Ferrara is a beautiful and small city nearby Bologna. Many people visit this city for culture and art shows. But also to taste the typical Emilia-Romagna food. Cappellacci pasta, stuffed pumpkin pasta, and cappelletti pasta, stuffed meat pasta, are the typical dishes of this city. Also, cheeses and hams border with “piadina” and “gnocco fritto“. And very typical chocolate or pumpkin cake. With a good selection of food and wine and lively student life, Ferrara won’t disappoint you. The only question is: Where to eat in Ferrara


This colorful and hide place is perfect for a quick and cheap meal. Excellent and friendly staff and the possibility to eat outside with the warm temperature. I suggest to try “Piadina”, a flatbread with many choices to put inside like ham, cheese, vegetables and so on. Even sharing a cheese-ham border with both sides of “gnocco fritto” and “tigella” bread is a well-done choice. From the pudding menù, try “tenerina“, the typical chocolate cake of the city. Everything comes with a good selection of draught beers and wine bottles.

Photo by Nicole Modena


This huge and traditional restaurant located in the center of Ferrara is perfect for either a romantic dinner or a family celebration. Very attentive staff and a warm welcome with over 30 years of experience in culinary arts. I suggest you to try the homemade pasta pumpkin Cappellacci. This dish comes with a side either ragù meat or butter and sage as you prefer. With plenty of wine and puddings choices, this restaurant is a perfect match for your trip. A bit expensive but definitely worth it. Above all, this restaurant gives the choice to bring homemade pasta at home.


Este bar is a good place where to eat typical food or pizza and they have a good selection of wine too. Even if they have plenty of choices of pasta, I suggest you to try steak too. This restaurant is located nearby the Humanities University. Therefore, lunch is crowded with students and staff members. The staff is really attentive and the price is on budget.


This small restaurant is located nearby the Este Castle. Therefore is a good match before or after the visit to the castle. This restaurant offers a good selection of typical pasta, puddings and more. It is also one of the first choices of student life on Wednesday evening so, it can be crowded. That is to say, when it’s aperitif time (from 5 pm) “Quattro Angeli” is the perfect match between a Spritz and finger food.


This small and hide tavern is the perfect idea to eat a quick pizza or “farinata di ceci” staying on budget. Even if this particular dish is from Liguria and Tuscany, Orsucci is the perfect place to eat it in Ferrara. “Farinata di ceci” is a flat puff pastry prepared with chickpeas flour: simply delicious! You might queue to find a place on weekends. The staff is really friendly and attentive. It’s the best place even to ask locals for information about the city.


This nice and central pub is perfect for a cheap and warm dinner in Ferrara. Located next to the Cinema and “Carlo Mayer” and “San Romano” streets, it’s the meeting point for many students. It’s the typical pub where people drink beer watching football on tv. If you are lucky you will assist even in live music. The menù offers a good choice of “piadine”, “bruschette” and other finger food. Everything comes with a good selection of draft beers. Young and friendly staff: definitely a lively and warm pub.


Even if it’s not a restaurant, Chocolat is my favorite breakfast place. Located nearby the Duomo and the City Hall. A bit small so maybe you need to queue to grab a place. Very good coffee quality and a huge selection of sweet and sour croissants. “Ricciola” and pistachio croissants are my favorite choices. With a very friendly staff and the best smell ever, your day couldn’t start better.


These are my favorite choices to eat in Ferrara. However, I think there are other many good restaurants around. It’s just that I haven’t had the time to try them yet. I hardly suggest you to book a table if you are in a rush. Ferrara is not a big city, so restaurants are not open all day every day. Each restaurant has its own opening hours’ schedule.

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